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Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Application Process & Interviews at Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

7.6 rating for Recruitment, based on 8 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
I submitted an application online with a resume attached, then was invited to an assessment centre at the Melbourne office. The assessment centre involved three parts; a group task, a work task and an individual interview. I then had to complete online testing. My references were then called and I was offered the job.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 10 Feb 2017
Compared with other public service job applications, this one wasn't too bad. It involved three stages: (1) application, including answering a couple of short answer questions (2) assessment centre, including an interview, a written task and a group task (3) online aptitude test Applications were then assessed based on performance in all areas, with the assessment centre stage weighted the most. During the interview, staff were really friendly and encouraging.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 08 Feb 2017
While challenging, the interviewers made an extra effort to make you feel comfortable. This helped calm my nerves.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 02 Feb 2017
The interview process was rigorous but also quite stilted and inflexible. It could be improved - it wasn't reflective of the organization once I started working there, so don't be put off if it feels odd.
Midlevel, Hobart - 02 Feb 2017
Assessment centre, interview, online testing
Midlevel, Perth - 02 Feb 2017
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
The interviews focused primarily around the work of the organization and some personal questions based on my experiences.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 10 Feb 2017
The interviewers asked broad questions about what and why the organisation does what it does.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 08 Feb 2017
A variety of motivational questions and some technical questions, designed to assess our interest in the area.
Midlevel, Hobart - 02 Feb 2017
I was asked what I (missing word) about the organization. Apparently responses to this question is an area interviewees seem to lack most.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 02 Feb 2017
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Firstly, make sure you know what the organization does and why. What does it do for society/consumers? How does it decide what work to take on? What have been its priority work areas in the last few years?
Midlevel, Melbourne - 10 Feb 2017
Read through the organisation website (both ACCC and AER) and learn about what they do. Learn about what the priority areas are for that year and peruse news items (either on the website or google) that relate to those priority areas. Think about how the work of the organisation relates to whatever study background you have (ie economics, finance, law). Prepare practice answers and practice saying them aloud.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 08 Feb 2017
Know what the organization does! If you've interned here before, don't assume the interview is a rubber stamp process. Be shiny!
Midlevel, Melbourne - 02 Feb 2017
Engage fully with the incredible breadth of work the ACCC does. You will rotate through lots of areas in your grad year so showing you have an interest in more than just one narrow area of our work is important for your success.
Midlevel, Hobart - 02 Feb 2017