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  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Management at Cenitex

9.3 rating for Management, based on 25 reviews
How accessible are managers and do they make good mentors? You may want to address internal communication, performance feedback or praise and recognition.
The managers are accessible through weekly or fortnightly one-on-one meetings. Everyone is also generally open and available for impromptu meetings at any time.
Graduate, Melbourne - 31 Jul 2024
Really casual and friendly. Easy to assess and communicate with.
Graduate, Melbourne - 23 Jul 2024
My managers are really accessible. We would have catch ups every other week, and they would provide me a chance to show what I have been doing. We had a survey within the team regarding our opinions and praises/recognition are available every standup which they occur 3 times a week. You can praise any member and recognize them for a certain thing.
Analyst, Melbourne - 22 Jul 2024
Managers in my experience appear easy to approach and make good mentors. They've been open to helping whenever possible and have given me praise when I have proven myself.
Graduate, Melbourne - 22 Jul 2024
My manager is an amazing lady and an awesome mentor who gave me advice on my business analyst career as well as my personal life. We have regular catch ups every fortnight.
Graduate, Melbourne - 19 Jul 2024
Have really good mentors and everybody in the company at all levels are really approachable.
Graduate, Melbourne - 21 Sep 2023
This comes to the team you're in, from my experience if the manager can't be as involved in your work, they will have someone else take a more leading role over you. However, they do keep an eye and delegate work to you and support you progress that work when they can (usually done via stand up meetings with the team for this purpose, coming into work on agreed days also helps with this)
Graduate, Melbourne - 21 Sep 2023
My manager is very nice and has been a great mentor. He has shown a real interest in my professional development. I have even been given verbal praise and positive feedback during a team standup meeting. We have 3 weekly team meetings (Mon-Wed-Fri) for 30mins. Fortnightly the Friday meeting is a 1.5hr meeting.
Graduate, Melbourne - 21 Sep 2023
Managers are supportive, willing to listen to your ideas and feedback. They do provide training and mentors support me.
Graduate, Melbourne - 21 Sep 2023
They are exceptionally good.
Graduate, Melbourne - 14 Sep 2023
Yes I am very much satisfies with all my managers until now as i have been challenged to work on something which i didn't think I can do it but I could mostly by myself and also sometimes being helped by the manager itself. There are multiple mentors as well and we can choose our own mentor as well from the mentorship program.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Sep 2023
I am satisfied with my manager. She has regular catch-up with me to communicate my work and life.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Sep 2023
My direct managers are great, helpful and care for my wellbeing.
Graduate, Melbourne - 19 Jul 2022
My manager is very good and I am satisfied. They are approachable and make a great leader. My efforts are recognised, and concerns are listened to and considered.
Graduate, Melbourne - 15 Jul 2022
The leaders i've had work very closely with the team, and as busy as they are, they've made it known that they are there to help out if you have roadblocks or concerns.
Graduate, Mount Waverley - 14 Jul 2022
Managers are quite supportive and kind. Happy to have a catchup when you need.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Jul 2022
I'm extremely satisfied with my current team manager. It's a real shame he is leaving the company in 3 weeks. When I was a graduate it was nice to have mentors and buddies. They were always ready to help us with all aspects of life.
Graduate, Warrandyte - 11 Jul 2022
Managers and mentors are very available and supportive.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Jul 2022
Yes. Regular communication. Provide support and mentor
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Jul 2022
Yes, I am very well satisfied with my previous manager and current one as I sit with him and do my day to day activities which I chose to do and I like doing it. I get many good feedbacks and shout outs for my work and I love that culture very much.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Jul 2022