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Muhammed Tekin

Associate - Cybersecurity at FTI Consulting

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Major in Networking and Cybersecurity at University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)

The Graduate Development Program provided me with essential knowledge required to be successful in the world of consulting, including insights on how I should present myself online and in person.

What's the best thing about your job?

It is the unknown, the creativity and the continuous learning that I love the most about my job. The task may be to review logs to identify what happened and how it happened, or it may be testing a product against industry standards or what caused an application to do something it is not supposed to do.

The tasks would vary depending on the client's needs at the time. Throughout the tasks, there is always the constant learning, whether it is learning about a new technology stack or a unique technique that I saw from an article.

What has been challenging?

There is a steep learning curve. Sometimes, you come across something that you have never heard of before, and you need to learn on the go. At such times, a YouTube tutorial of a product or an article about a tool becomes very handy. Unfortunately, a university degree by itself does not provide sufficient knowledge. When it comes to responsibilities, so far it has been mainly about ensuring I know precisely what is required of me and knowing when to seek help after I am stuck and exhausted searching through available resources.

How do you make your impact?

I have been lucky enough to assist a range of clients in testing their environments to secure them and recover from a breach. Especially in incident response, it is like the role of a paramedic; you are trying to understand what caused the issue and how we can securely fix it, restore and minimise the impact. All of this may be happening against the clock. The work I was able to do not only directly impacted the client but also the employees of the client and their customers and users. You get to help a lot of people even though they may have no idea that you contributed to the effort or avoided a big catastrophe from occurring by informing the client of a weakness in their environment.

What is the culture like at FTI?

It is an inclusive and friendly environment. You don’t have the unnecessary bureaucracy that you would expect from a big firm. You can always walk up to colleagues who are dealing with different types of matters and have a chat with them or go for coffee. We also have events happening throughout the year aimed at young professionals, like networking opportunities and fun activities such as go-carting and VR.

What do you think of our Corporate Citizenship program (pro bono and volunteering opportunities)?

The Corporate Citizenship program is amazing. It once again proves that FTI Consulting is not all about business transactions; it is also about assisting the Australian community. The program provides me with the ability to volunteer my time to assist others. The pro bono program allows us to assist organisations to achieve something they may not be able to without our help. A recent example is providing a client with crisis simulation to prepare them for the eventual breach that may happen one day. Finally, the financial donation matching: FTI Consulting doubles the impact I have.

Have you volunteered yourself, and if so, what did you do?

I have not volunteered yet, and I am looking forward to the volunteering opportunities this year.

What advice would you give current students interested in working for FTI Consulting?

Keep in touch with your friends; there is a lot that you can learn from each other. Join clubs/societies of your interest. Try to go above what is being taught during your class and always have the faith that the content you are learning now, which may seem random and useless, will magically come in handy in future. Do not worry about getting certifications; aim to learn the content. Finally, enjoy your time at university, relax and have fun.

How has the Graduate Development Program supported you to own your career?

The Graduate Development Program provided me with essential knowledge required to be successful in the world of consulting, including insights on how I should present myself online and in person, i.e. LinkedIn profile tips and presentations. It also assisted me in knowing what skill set I should develop early in my career and how to develop certain skills, and the training that would get me there.

What is the recruitment process like?

You apply online with your resume. You get the initial questionnaire to answer, followed by a second multiple-choice questionnaire. Then a call from HR where you have the opportunity to express yourself, explain why you are good candidate and ask any burning questions you may have. Followed by an in-person interview with people from the team and then you wait for the outcome. I cannot say waiting was easy, but overall, it was a smooth process.

What is something that surprised you about working in your role?

The portfolio of clients, the knowledge and experience of the team. When I joined FTI Consulting, I saw a wall with the tagline “Experts with Impact”. It was not until the first weekly meeting that I realised what the impact being referred to was. The organisations that you will see while walking, browsing the web or watching TV were potentially organisations that FTI Consulting may have assisted in the past.

When I go to industry meetings, the moment I mention I am from FTI Consulting, there would always be someone who knows someone from the team, and they would speak highly of them.

The views expressed herein are those of the author(s) and not necessarily the views of FTI Consulting, Inc., its management, its subsidiaries, its affiliates, or its other professionals. FTI Consulting, Inc., including its subsidiaries and affiliates, is a consulting firm and is not a certified public accounting firm or a law firm. FTI Consulting is an independent global business advisory firm dedicated to helping organisations manage change, mitigate risk and resolve disputes: financial, legal, operational, political & regulatory, reputational and transactional. FTI Consulting professionals, located in all major business centers throughout the world, work closely with clients to anticipate, illuminate and overcome complex business challenges and opportunities. Some services may be provided through FTI Capital Advisors (Australia) Pty Ltd AFSL # 504204. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

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