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UNSW Economics Society Careers Directory Profiles

Showing 98 items

  • Graduate stories
Sit down and seriously consider what kind of work would make you engaged, interested, and satisfied if you had to do it every day. Think about the kinds of people you want to be surrounded by. Do they have the same core values as you? Deep down, do they care about the big-picture stuff in a similar or complementary way to you? This is so important!

Iris Kostas

  • Graduate stories
The best thing about being part of Ecolab is the people. It’s a workplace that makes you feel like you’re actually a person and not just a number.

Jacqueline Law

  • Graduate stories
What I love most about my job is the ability to work with a range of diverse individuals and have the opportunity to attend an array of meetings and social events that allows everyone to remain integrated regardless of what position they hold in the company.

Jayde Tourneur

  • Day in the life

Joe Boyle

Joe Boyle studied a Bachelor of Agriculture at The University of Melbourne in 2017 and is now an Ag Achiever graduate at Rural Bank.
  • Graduate stories
The thing I love most about my job is that there is a sense of ownership from the implementations that are made to the processing plant as a result of my actions.

John Macaldo

  • Day in the life

John Macaldo

John Macaldo studied a Master of Professional Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) and is now a Graduate Mechanical Engineer at AngloGold Ashanti.
  • Graduate stories
Everything you do at university will add to your understanding and lead you down a path that is more suited to you, even if the experience is not for you… now you know!

Joshua Geller

  • Graduate stories
My particular role includes tracking large-scale renewable energy power stations and any relevant announcements.

Joshua Otten