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UNSW Economics Society Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Luke Dollar

Luke Dollar studied a Bachelor of Science in Applied Geology and is now a Graduate Geologist at AngloGold Ashanti.
  • Graduate stories
My role is very demanding when it comes to being disciplined and organized. When managing projects that engage with a lot of different stakeholders, you need to be confident in yourself to execute what needs to be done and prepared to be put out of your comfort zone

Mady Muirhead

  • Day in the life

Matthew McCauley

Summer is our busy season here in Southeast QLD so we spend most of our time in the paddock checking crops. Currently, we have been checking predominantly cotton and mung beans with some other soybean, sorghum and peanut crops.
  • Graduate stories
The most enjoyable thing about my job is solving a big question. Occasionally I will come across a customer who has a particularly tricky situation or who has not paid for a long time for some reason.

Mia Bathurst

  • Graduate stories
I have always been passionate about animals and nature, so during my studies, I chose to work within these areas, including at a pet store and an animal hotel.

Michaela Zaugg

  • Graduate stories
The versatility of having days where I am working at a water treatment site that supplies the water we drink and knowing I am indirectly impacting the way we live versus sitting in an office and tapping into my problem-solving skills to find a solution.

Miralta Zeid

  • Day in the life

Mitchell Beulke

There’s seldom a day where I don’t learn something new at work. This is important to me. I need to feel I am progressing in many aspects of life; my job is no different.
  • Graduate stories
The other important aspect that makes working here enjoyable is the people. It’s great to be able to laugh and smile at work each day with people from all over the world and share our differences and commonalities. I learned a lot from all the people here.

Mitchell Beulke