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UNSW Economics Society Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
The job is always interesting to me, as there could always be some new technology or a new situation that we need to respond to, which means that I’m rarely bored.

Ciara Crimmins

  • Day in the life

Conor Oates

Conor Oates is a Consultant at SW.
  • Day in the life

Cooper Ellidge

Cooper Ellidge studied BEng (Mechanical) (Honours) with BSc (Theoretical Physics and Maths) at the University of Adelaide and is now a Graduate Engineer at Saab Australia.
  • Graduate stories
Personally, I have found it great to experience a wide variety of engineering disciplines throughout my rotations. It has given me an understanding of what different people are really working on within Saab, rather than being siloed off in my own little corner.

Cooper Ellidge

  • Day in the life

Cooper Gervasoni

I begin my first task for the day, an example of a task that I have been working on recently is an Adobe Analytics Dashboard which tracks and analyses certain marketing content sent out by RACV.
  • Graduate stories
Don’t limit yourself to working with the same people. As an engineer, it’s important to be able to work with a range of people, and you will not always be on the same project with the same people. This is also the best way to gain a range of different experiences and knowledge. 

Courtney Battle

  • Graduate stories
Get a legal job or volunteer position as soon as possible. If you can land a legal job in your first year, it makes getting a clerkship and subsequently a grad job a whole lot easier!

Daisy Eales

  • Graduate stories
I enjoy understanding how software systems work, how they’re connected and wired up, and how I could use that knowledge to implement what I need to do.

Dalzy Mendoza