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UNSW Economics Society Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
What I love most about my job at FTI is the industry exposure – the opportunity to work with big-profile clients and the diverse nature of consulting, where each day brings new challenges and projects across various industries.

Kevin McCartney

  • Graduate stories
You can think of my role as determining the least cost options to ensure the electricity network is running as efficiently and at the least cost to the customer as possible.

Kevin Wong

  • Graduate stories
All graduates add value even if you feel you don’t know as much as everyone else. Don’t doubt yourself, we all start from different levels of experience.


  • Graduate stories
Being amongst a team of incredibly hardworking, motivated, and talented individuals who are also very personable is one of the favorite aspects of my job.

Kristina Lane

  • Day in the life

Kristina Lane

I work on a pitchbook for a potential client, researching industry trends and creating graphics to support the presentation.
  • Graduate stories
I find it very satisfying and uplifting when a campaign, which I have created, performs well and our customers have reacted positively to it.

Kyah Burke

  • Day in the life

Kye Beaven

In Acquisitions, some of our most valuable relationships are with agents and consultants so the mornings are usually filled with meetings to discuss any new opportunities or updates on active projects.
  • Graduate stories
Without FDM I am not sure I would have matched with such a great client, where the team has been super friendly and generous in their ability to provide opportunity to learn the business

Kyle Whyte