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UNSW Economics Society Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Definitely, one of the most satisfying things is being stuck on a problem for hours/days and then finally figuring out the solution.

Nicole Carter

  • Day in the life

Nicole Tan

  • Day in the life


I prioritize serving customers that are walking in but in between this I check the back-order report and low stock report to make sure any goods that need to be purchased are ordered in for customers to ensure they receive them on time.
  • Day in the life


After lunch I return to work. On the days I’m in the office I make the most of my trip and pop into the labs with my line manager to get a look at some of the components I’m working on.
  • Graduate stories
It is great to be able to form relationships with the client team and make a real change in their business.

Noah Pratt

  • Day in the life

Noah Stammbach

The Beehive is a digital platform that consolidates donations to charity in a more structured way. The CEO is here to talk to us about his experiences in giving and why the new platform is important.
  • Day in the life

Nooragha Sharifi

  • Day in the life

Oli Adams

Our team huddles together to discuss the model and the results. We then put together an action plan to change the design and submit it for analysis.