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UNSW Economics Society Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Annabelle Fordyce

Annabelle Fordyce graduated with a double degree of Bachelor of Business (Accountancy) and Bachelor of Mathematics (Operations Research) at the Queensland University of Technology in 2020 and is now a Graduate Assurance Analyst at Mazars Australia.
  • Graduate stories
The people you work with, but also feeling you are positively contributing to your clients, who in my case are predominately hard-working farmers

Annie Matthews

  • Graduate stories
The coolest thing about my job is that I am able to do an overseas secondment, which involves working for a different office in a different country. This allows me to travel a bit while working in a new environment.

Annie Wan

  • Graduate stories
It is the most supportive and open workplace I have ever been a part of.

Antoinette Moliterno

  • Graduate stories
The company’s commitment to not only safety but to each employee makes me personally feel appreciated.

Anton Giomi

  • Day in the life

Ariel Mukherjee

Ariel Mukherjee studied Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) at the University of Newcastle and is now a Quality Associate at CSL.
  • Graduate stories
Being a part of these types of agreements is a highly rewarding process, especially when a matter concludes after months of negotiation and hard work.

Ashlee Broadbent

  • Day in the life

Ashley Morling

Ashley studied Bachelor of Business (Marketing) at RMIT University, previously worked as a Marketing graduate and is now a Marketing Assistant at Reece Group